Grateful Patients
March 9, 2024
What kind of results could you see from a Grateful Patient Fundraising Programme?
Robust and tangible results from a Grateful Patient Programme in one of the top NHS Teaching Hospitals in the UK
Here are some interesting results from introducing the NHS' first Grateful Patient Fundraising Programme in the UK:
- We doubled the size of our database
- Staff awareness increased from 45% to 96%
- 78% of patients recruited gave
- Over 30% have given more than once
- £81 average donation from a grateful patient (vs UK average of £60*)
- Hundreds of first gifts of £1,000+
- 30% increase in staff knowing how to introduce their patients to the charity
- 96% of staff trained feel comfortable making patient referrals
There have also been some unexpected but incredible results:
- Our unrestricted income has mushroomed! We were not just receiving restricted gifts
- Fund advisors are spending their funds better
- The charity's reputation improved immensely having dedicated points of contact within the charity
- Engaging with fundraising made hospital staff happier
- More projects have been suggested for fundraising
- We raised £1.6 million in 6 weeks during the first wave of Covid-19
- The charity is now considered by the hospital to be a professional, strategic partner
The importance of the second list is to remember that while financial KPIs are important, the softer metrics became far more valuable but the increased income was a huge boost!
* CAF Giving Report 2023
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