Grateful Patients
November 23, 2023

'My patients won't want to give" Handling objections from clinical staff

NHS staff will often think that their patients won't want to give but they are always pleasantly surprised once they have taken part in Grateful Patient training

“My patients won’t want to give.”

This is one of the major objections clinicians have to engaging with their hospital charity.

Clinicians often think patients won't want to give because:
  • NHS waiting lists are too long and they're upset with waiting for treatment
  • They are too upset by what's happening to them because they've had life-threatening news from the doctor
  • "So many of my patients die in ICU - why would anyone give when their family member has died?"
  • 'They don't have enough money'

At this point I usually share a list of recent gifts within our hospital to de-bunk these myths. You always see a huge lightbulb moment happen right in front of you.

Examples I include always reflect a variety of gifts to show that there are different ways of giving:
  • Mr A’s son was admitted for emergency surgery. He gave £50k as a first gift
  • Mr B made a personal gift of £25k and made a personal recommendation to a Trust who gave £30k
  • Mr C left £2M in his Will for Oncology
  • We received £5k from 4 patients who met with a transplant surgeon for an update on his work
  • £100 gift was made within two days of a poster going on display in Audiology.
  • We received £500 and a letter from a patient who described her experience of radiotherapy treatment as ‘pleasant’!
  • £20pcm Direct Debit set up via a donation envelope
  • 33 new legacy pledges last month

Image by Freepik

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