Empowering hospital charities to raise more money

Understanding the challenges and maximising the opportunities of fundraising in the NHS

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A surgeon checking images in hospital


Years' experience


Of clinicans are ready to engage in fundraising after training


Clinicians trained

We are specialists in hospital fundraising

I fundraised in the NHS for 15 years, introducing the first Grateful Patient Progamme in the UK with Advancement Resources, doubling Addenbrooke's charitable income.

I have worked in community fundraising, events, marketing and comms, trusts, major gifts, strategy development and launched two major capital campaigns. I understand how to raise more money in the NHS and can work with you to increase your income.  

About us
A doctor talking to a patient in hospital
A doctor talking to a patient in hospital

This NHS-specific experience is combined with Advancement Resources' global expertise in philanthropy. Since 1995, Advancement Resources has delivered exceptional philanthropy training, rooted in research, to over 148,000 fundraisers, academics and clinicians worldwide. Advancement Resources partner with charities and universities to help them raise more money.

Our Services

Tired of trying to do everything and not seeing the results? Bespoke and strategic or practical and easy - support tailored to the size of your charity

Grateful Patient strategy

Developing a bespoke grateful patient strategy for your hospital.

Leadership buy-in

Partnering you to persuade your hospital's senior team to endorse, invest in and support your charity.

Fundraising strategy

Let's review your current activities and develop the right strategy for your charity.

Clinician Engagement

Specialist clinician training based on 30 years' experience and research.


Practical, easy-to-use fundraising toolkit with plug-and-play marketing templates and activity plans.

Extension of your team

Strategic advice, friendly practical support, fundraising clinics, monthly mentoring.

Meet Our Team

15 years' experience fundraising in the NHS and 30 years' global philanthropy training

All Team
Ben Golding
CEO Advancement Resources
Gemma Downham
Senior Fundraising Consultant


Roland Sinker
CEO - Cambridge University Hospitals
"Gemma introduced the first Grateful Patient Fundraising programme in the NHS to Cambridge University Hospitals. Since then we have seen an increase in donations and increased staff engagement with the charity"
Professor Isobel Heyman
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHSFT
"I have learnt so much from you - philanthropy was pretty new to me and you really held my hand on a steep learning curve!”

News & Articles

Practical examples of strategic fundraising in the NHS

April 29, 2024
Major Gifts
How to build a successful major gifts programme in an NHS hospital
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April 18, 2024
Grateful Patients
A simple 10 point action plan to set up a Grateful Patient Fundraising Programme in an NHS hospital
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March 9, 2024
Grateful Patients
What kind of results could you see from a Grateful Patient Fundraising Programme?
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February 14, 2024
Grateful Patients
What do clinicians think about grateful patients training?
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